“Take the Challenge”
So you think know animals? If you’re a natural born quiz whiz, here’s your chance to prove it. Test your knowledge with our true/false questionnaire, destined to befuddle even the wisest of pet lovers!
“Here We Go”
1. Pit Bulls have locking jaws.
True / False
2. Cats always land on their feet.
True / False
3. Mares and stallions have a different amount of teeth. A mare has 36 teeth and a stallion (or gelding) has 40.
True / False
4. Putting bells on a cat’s collar will stop it from catching mice and birds.
True / False
5. If you touch a baby bird, the mother will smell you later and not take care of her baby anymore.
True / False
6. Dogs bite boys more often than girls.
True / False
7. All cats hate water.
True / False
8. The gestation period of a horse is 11 months.
True / False
- False. The locking jaws story is a myth. However, Pit bulls are very strong and athletic and they do have a tendency to bite and hold down. Getting them to open those jaws can be difficult, but they do not lock.
- False. If a cat falls a very short distance from the ground, he won’t have enough time to right himself. Also, if a cat falls from a great height, he may be seriously hurt and possibly killed. As high-rise apartments become more common, veterinarians have coined a new term: high rise syndrome. This term refers to the fact that vets are seeing more and more cats that have fallen from high balconies.
- True.
- False. New research suggests that some cats wearing bells are actually better at catching prey because they learn to move without the bell making a sound are therefore that much stealthier!
- False. This is actually a myth. Other than vultures birds have a very poor sense of smell and won’t leave their young just because they smell that a human has been there.
- True.
- False. While most cats don’t fancy a dip in the pool, Turkish Vans take to the water like fish and are known to quite enjoy swimming.
- True
Cindy Hughes & Takaya (Stinkleberry)